Blake joined the NHC Family
and donated $100.00
Blake joined the NHC Family
and donated $20.91
Nervaana joined the NHC Family
and donated $5.46
Hussam joined the NHC Family
and donated $6.49
Aliou joined the NHC Family
and donated $10.00
Blake joined the NHC Family
and donated $154.79
Sho joined the NHC Family
and donated $5.00
Regina joined the NHC Family
and donated $37.38
Dominic joined the NHC Family
and donated $100.00
Jenise joined the NHC Family
and donated $250.00
Aleshia joined the NHC Family
and donated $103.30
Blake joined the NHC Family
and donated $175.39
Matthew joined the NHC Family
and donated $100.00
Harilaos joined the NHC Family
and donated $10.61
Tiffany joined the NHC Family
and donated $59.01
Blake joined the NHC Family
and donated $77.55
Arsh joined the NHC Family
and donated $10.00
Amerinta joined the NHC Family
and donated $15.76
4060490111223436 joined the NHC Family
and donated $20.91
Isaiah joined the NHC Family
and donated $5.46
Stephanie joined the NHC Family
and donated $7.00
Scott joined the NHC Family
and donated $100.00
Jason joined the NHC Family
and donated $5.46
Sarah joined the NHC Family
and donated $26.06
Blake joined the NHC Family
and donated $50.00
Annette joined the NHC Family
and donated $62.10
Blake joined the NHC Family
and donated $206.28
stephanie joined the NHC Family
and donated $5.00
Katherine joined the NHC Family
and donated $82.70
Rashida joined the NHC Family
and donated $31.20
Blake joined the NHC Family
and donated $64.16
Sean joined the NHC Family
and donated $62.10
OFN joined the NHC Family
and donated $100.00
Harsha joined the NHC Family
and donated $5.46
Andra joined the NHC Family
and donated $5.46
Marcus joined the NHC Family
and donated $20.00
Blake joined the NHC Family
and donated $103.30
Tami joined the NHC Family
and donated $26.06
Blake joined the NHC Family
and donated $67.25
Blake joined the NHC Family
and donated $62.10
Ryan joined the NHC Family
and donated $30.00
Isaiah joined the NHC Family
and donated $5.46
Christine joined the NHC Family
and donated $37.78
Scott joined the NHC Family
and donated $12.67
Blake joined the NHC Family
and donated $125.00
CHRISTINE joined the NHC Family
and donated $5.46
Karima joined the NHC Family
and donated $200.00
Linda joined the NHC Family
and donated $25.00
Hasan joined the NHC Family
and donated $5.46
Liyam joined the NHC Family
and donated $5.00
Generous people like you give to feed the children in Nairobi, Kenya
We send 100% of the donations received to our team in Kenya.
Our partners in Kenya (Manna Ministries) purchase food.
Our team delivers the food to the schools in our feeding program.
“My husband and I went to Nairobi, Kenya, and got to meet some of the kids. It was an incredible experience to see how happy they were there at school and that they were being fed and not having to leave school to scrounge for food.
“For just $3 a day for a month you could feed an entire school of 20 kids every single time they step into the school building. You just can’t have this kind of impact with $100 like you can here.”
37Then the righteous will answer him, saying, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?” 40 And the King will answer them, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my children, you did it to me.”
Matthew 25:37-40
Every child needs to understand who Jesus is and what it means to have a relationship with Him, so we created this FREE guide to equip you with practical ways of sharing your faith with the children in your life!
No Hungry Children has been a registered 501(c)3 public charity in accordance with the IRS since 2011