“Ok students, it is time for lunch”, says one of the teachers at Glorious Junior School in Nairobi, Kenya. The school day was half way over and the students began to line up in a single file line. Each child was handed a bowl as they gazed upon the shiny oversized rice pot that was steaming on top of the cooking fire. They recognized the smell and knew that today, like every other school day; they would not be going hungry.
This story happens every day for over 3000 students in the slums of Nairobi. No Hungry Children has seen a drastic increase in attendance in almost every school since the feeding program began. For many children, school is the only time in a day they will be fed a meal and eating is one of the only reasons many children even attend school.
The NHC feeding program is a vital part of so many in the slums. It is a community effort that recognizes and utilizes the gifts of each volunteer on the ground and puts those gifts to use to serve others. It takes so many volunteers to buy food, load and transport food and organize and deliver raw food to the schools. Our volunteers also divide the delivered food to sustain their school for an entire month. Later, the food is prepared, cooked and served to the students. This is a lot of hands at work!
Although many people on the ground keep the NHC feeding program running smoothly, it takes many people here in the States to make NHC a success! We can do far more together than we can apart.
Ways to Help:
- Pray! We believe that everything we do is in vein unless the Spirit of God works. We desire to honor God in all that we do and we want everyone involved in the NHC ministry to be blessed by God and give Him glory
- Sponsor a Child – For only $5 a month, a child can eat twice a day every school day. Feeding kids helps break the cycle of poverty and eases the burden on so many families in the slums.
Feed a child today